The 2nd International Conference on Smart Systems and Power Management (IC2SPM 2024)
November 28-29, 2024
The committees
Organizing committee:
Honorary Chair
- H.E. Abdul Rahim Mourad, LIU Pres. Lb
IEEE Lebanon Section Chair
- Hadi Kanaan, USJ, Lb
Conference co-Chairs
- Abdallah Kassem, NDU, Lb
- Amin El-Haj Ali, LIU, Lb
- Mohamad Arnaout, BIU, Lb
- Nazih Moubayed, LU, Lb
Technical Program co-Chairs
- Adnan Harb, LIU, Lb
- Khouloud Samrouth, AOU, Lb
- Ahmed Madian, NU, Eg
Publication co-Chairs
- Hiba El Cheikh, City Univ, Lb
- Moustafa El Hassan, UoB, Lb
Finance co-Chairs
- Ramzi Jaber, CAS, Lb
- Mohamad Ramadan, BIU, Lb
- Jacques Demerjian, LU, Lb
Special Session co-Chairs
- Mohamad Khalil, LU, Lb
- Tilda Akiki, USEK, Lb
Publicity co-Chair
- Walid Fahs, IUL, Lb
- Lara Hamawi, LIU, Lb
- Amira Zaylaa, BAU, LB
Industrial Relation co-Chairs
- Mohamad Awad, CNRS, Lb
- Rabih Murr, LIU, Lb
Local Arrangement
- Rabih Rammal, LIU, Lb
- Ahmad Kobeissi, LIU, Lb
- Zaher Merhi, LIU, LB
- Ali Cherri. LIU, LB
International Liaison co-Chairs
- Nabil Karami, UCT, AE
- Omar Falou, Can
- Ahmad Diab, Fr
Media Committee
- Mohamad Kassab, IEEE, Lb
- Jean Sawma, USJ, Lb
Award Committee
- Ali Cheeri, LIU, Lb
- Usamah Farroukh, IEEE, Lb
Tracks Chairs
- Control Systems, Instrumentation, and Robotics: Naseem Daher and Flavia Khatounian
- Computer Systems and Applications: Rony Darazi and Ismail Alsayad
- Biomedical and Bio-informatics: Mohammad Ayache, Roy Abi-Zeid Daou and Mohamad Abou Ali
- Power System and Energy Management: Nabil Karami and Chady El Moucary
- Power Energy, Power Managements: Nazih Moubayed and Mohamad Arnaout
- Circuits and Systems: Chair: Adnan Harb and Mostapha Hamad
Important Dates
- Submission of Regular / Student Papers:
August 29, 2024September 15, 2024 - Notification of Paper Acceptance: September 29, 2024
- Camera Ready Submission: October 28, 2024
IC2SPM 2024