4th IEEE International Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering Technology (IMCET 23)
December 12-14, 2023
Organizing Committee
Honorary Chairs
- Mohamad Adnan Al-Alaoui
- Elias Nassar
- Ghassan Shaban
- Imad Elhajj
- Hadi Sawaya
- Bachar El-Hassan
General Chair
- Hadi Kanaan
Technical Program Chairs
- Mohamad Awad
- Nazih Moubayed
Finance Chair
- Jacques Demerjian
Digital Media Committee
- Mohamad Kassab
- Melhem El-Helou
Publication Chair
- Abdallah Kassem
Local Committee
- Elio Aoun
- Cybele Ghanem
- Harout Topjian
Awards Committee
- Imad Elhajj
- Bachar El-Hassan
- Mohammad Khalil
- Hadi Sawaya
Industrial Relations Chairs
- Nadine Ajam
- Rabih Rammal
Publicity Chairs
- Nadine Abbas
- Sara Abou Chakra
- Amira Zaylaa
International Liaison
- Mounir Boukadoum, Canada
- Mohamad Sawan, China
- Mehrdad Ahmadi Kamarposhti, Iran
- Raafat Lababidi, France
Tracks Chair:
- Control Systems, Instrumentation and Robotics (Chairs: Roy Abi Zeid Daou, Naseem Daher)
- Computer Systems and Applications (Chairs: Walid Karam, Carole Bassil)
- Communications and Information Systems (Chairs: Chadi Abou Rjeily, Jacques Bou Abdo)
- Antennas, Microwave & Magnetics (Chairs: Ernst Huijer, Usamah Farrukh)
- Biomedical and Bio-informatics (Chairs: Mohammad Ayache, Mohamad Diab)
- Power, Energy, Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Circuits and Systems (Chairs: Mohamad Arnaout, Jean Sawma)
Important Dates
- Regular Papers:
July 31, 2023August 31, 2023 - Notification of Acceptance:
September 25, 2023September 30, 2023 - Final Submissions Due: October 9, 2023
- Early Registration Closes: October 16, 2023
IMCET 2023