IMCET 23 – Invitation

Dear honorable colleague

You are kindly invited to attend the 4th IEEE International Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering Technology (IMCET’23) that will be held online on December 12-13, 2023.

IMCET is the flagship conference of the IEEE Lebanon Section with participants from all over the world. This is intended to be an international conference with focus on regional and developing world aspects in electrical, communications, computer, and biomedical engineering. The objectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science and technology.

Topics of interest fall under the following tracks:

1-Control Systems, Instrumentation and Robotics
2-Computer Systems and Applications
3-Communications and Information Systems
4-Antennas, Microwave & Magnetics
5-Biomedical and Bioinformatics
6-Power, Energy, Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Circuits and Systems

The conference detailed program will be posted soon on the conference website, as well as the links for all sessions.

Kindly register before December 4th by using the following link:

Looking forward to welcome you during the conference.
Kindest regards
On behalf of the IMCET’23 organizing committee
Prof. Hadi Kanaan, IMCET’23 General Chair