4th IEEE International Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering Technology (IMCET 23)

December 12-14, 2023

Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam
Title: The Energy Transition Agenda: A Techno-Economic Perspective

Most trajectories of energy demand and supply to 2050 anticipate significant new system challenges as we incorporate more low carbon generation, and meet increases in peak demand, driven largely by the extent to which transport and heating become increasingly electrified. At the same time, the energy landscape is changing rapidly with far-reaching implications for the global energy industry and actors. Some changes are already happening. Changes to energy grid management are underway and utility companies are developing commercial platforms that will make it easier for them to trade in flexibility with generators and consumers, even at very small scale. Renewable are also becoming key players. Harvesting renewable energies implies decentralization, where many consumers also become producers, who at times export electricity to the grid. To accommodate large numbers of renewable resources, energy distribution and transmission networks need to be adapted and expanded to avoid network congestion and failures. Flexibility options and services have to be also enabled not only at the supply side but also through responsive loads and suitable means of energy storage to maximize the security of supply and the quality of service in the most efficient way. Accelerating the energy transition also requires a rethinking of electricity markets in many aspects, a key one being the adaptation of their design and operation to support higher shares of variable renewables as well as distributed power generation. This talk covers the aforementioned promising areas in green energy transition and discusses the current and future opportunities and challenges exist in this context.


Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam is an Associate Professor and Leader of Intelligent Energy Systems and Flexible Markets (iGRIDS) Research Group at the Department of Energy (AAU Energy), Aalborg University where he is also acting as the Vice-Leader of Power Electronic Control, Reliability and System Optimization (PESYS) and the coordinator of Integrated Energy Systems Laboratory (IES-Lab). His research interests include planning, control and operation management of microgrids, renewable/hybrid power systems and integrated energy systems with appropriate market mechanisms. He has (co)authored more than 300 technical articles, 8 books and 17 book chapters in the field. Dr. Anvari-Moghaddam is the Editor-in-Chief of Academia Green Energy journal and serves as the Associate Editor of several leading journals such as the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, and IEEE Power Engineering Letters. He is the Vice-Chair of IEEE Denmark, Member of IEC SC/8B- Working Group (WG3 & WG6) as well as Technical Committee Member of several IEEE PES/IES/PELS and CIGRE WGs. He was the recipient of 2020 and 2023 DUO – India Fellowship Awards, DANIDA Research Fellowship grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark in 2018 and 2021, IEEE-CS Outstanding Leadership Award 2018 (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada), and the 2017 IEEE-CS Outstanding Service Award (Exeter-UK).

Nazim Agoulmine
Title: How Intent Based Management and AI can unleach the full potential of Autonomous Networks

Intent-Based Networking (IBN) is a technology that aims to simplify the way administrators interact with an autonomous networks. Administrators could easily express their business goals (preferably in natural language), and then IBN interprets these goals and translate them into operational configurations of the IT infrastructure and into appropriate autonomous mechanisms that enable the implementation of intentions in the event of a change in the operations with full understanding of the execution context of the infrastructure. This concept has been successfully implemented to some extend in the ONOS SDN (Software Defined Network) controller and is already used in operational networks. However, recent advances in artificial intelligence predict further progress in providing greater flexibility and agility to IT and network infrastructures reducing further the human interventions. This presentation is intended to introduce this new concept and how how IBN leverages previous approaches such as goal based management. In particular, it shows how closed-loop network automation instrumented with intents can address the challenges of modern system and network dynamics.


Nazim Agoulmine is a full professor at the university of Evry Val d'Essonne/ Paris Saclay University since 2000 and the director of the IBISC Research Laboratory and the vide director of the International Relation of the Graduate School of Computer Science of the University of Paris-Saclay. Prof N.Agoulmine has leaded several National and European research projects in the area of Networking and Multimedia Systems. He also published numerous research papers and books in the area. He also contributed to several books and book chapters in the areas of network management, autonomic networking and multimedia networking. He acts as expert for several organizations in Europe, North America and Asia.

Important Dates

  • Regular Papers: July 31, 2023 August 31, 2023
  • Notification of Acceptance: September 25, 2023 September 30, 2023
  • Final Submissions Due: October 9, 2023
  • Early Registration Closes: October 16, 2023

IMCET 2023